Iyanna Develops Logo

My name is Iyanna,
your friendly Software Developer!

Welcome to my space on the internet. Feel free to take a look around!

"Do Everything With Love & Care"

Working with Iyanna Develops will gurantee you a project that is built with Love & Care. I specialize in developing websites for small businesses. I believe that every small business is unique and special in their own way, and deserves a site that is a reflection of that!


With great projects, comes great planning. I want every client's vision to be everything they wanted and more. In order to accomplish this the following services are provided:

Consulation Icon

1. Consulation

First we will have a conversation on your ideas, goals, and budget for the project. This service is offered at no cost.

Proposal Icon

2. Proposal

Next I will develop and present to you the proposal based on your project's scope and budget. If revisions aren't needed, we will begin development.

Development Icon

3. Development

Now your site is being developed. The estimated time for building is dependent on each project. Expect to recieve weekly updates on the progress of your site during this stage.

Launch Icon

4. Launch

Yay! Your unique & customly made website is complete, and ready to share with the world! (Maintenance services are also available.)

Recent Projects

Salon Project

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Live Site

Ayesha Salon

A "Bold & Beautiful" beauty salon layout for Ayesha Salon. Incoraporated bold fonts, colors, images, and more to capture the essence of this incredible black owned salon.

Coffee Project

Click to View

Live Site

Elegant Greens

Where elegance meets vegan cuisine, Elegant Greens. This chic Vegan Restaurant layout is inspired by the restaurant's interior, food, and stylish vibe.

gif of elegant greens website being browsed

Click to View

Live Site

Studio Ghibli

A project for Studio Ghibli that dispalys a gallery of their films using a studio ghibli API. Users can browse the films and learn more details by clicking on the film image.

see more of my work here


I am a Software Engineer
based in Long Beach, CA

I have always been someone who is both creative and logical, so I found that web design & development is the perfect medium. I enjoy using my creative side to design unique websites, and my logical side to problem solve and code.

If I'm not coding, I also find joy in screenwriting, playing tennis, boxing, spending time with friends & family, traveling, and trying new vegetarian foods!

abstract art


Let's Connect! Currently accepting new clients, project collaborations, & job opportunity inquiries.